is to see Workington and beyond transformed by Jesus Christ
This means
we love God with all our hearts, with all our souls, with all our minds, and with all our strength
we grasp the completeness of the Gospel (the good news)
so that -
we go and love our neighbours and make disciples.
In practice it's
loving God and loving people
reaching out and seeing lives transformed
being disciples who make disciples
What is church?
We believe that the church is a family, not a building or an institution. We are a people who have discovered a loving relationship with God. This is found, not by obeying rules or being religious, but through trusting in the kindness, mercy and grace of God through Jesus Christ.
Our values
We value God’s presence in our lives, in our everyday and in our meetings.
We value every person regardless of where they come from or who they are now.
We value the transforming power of Jesus Christ’s life, death and resurrection to make us into the people that God meant us to be.
We value being a New Testament-based church that seeks to put the Bible into practice in a way that is relevant to the culture in which we live.
We value the church as we see it in the book of Acts, which gives us a view of what church should be like – a group of people empowered by the Holy Spirit and impacting the community around them.
We value partnership with other churches locally, nationally and internationally.